Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Beautifully written
Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don’t blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being “in love”, which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Those are the sweetest words evaaa!!! ♥

Well yesterday I got pretty mad at you. I gotta admit that I was being really childish... TBH I dont act like that all the time, but sometimes I can't help it, everyone is a little selfish sometimes right? :x I should be understanding too. I am really sorry for being mad at you when I shouldn't have. You are sooo awesome!!! ♥
When I saw your FB message just now I am soooo extremely touched by your words. :D
This is what you said: *I had to write it out... Its so extremely sweet :')*
"I love you so much for caring so much about me. I love it and really appreciate it. Please dont think i dont. And baobei, it's not that I wont take care of you, it's that Im not literally there beside you, but I will still do everything I can for you my love. Eventhough you dont see me often, I hope you never forget how much I love you and even more love to care for you"
Darling, you're the best BF eva! & I love you heaps! :)
PS: I guess you're in SG right now. Gosh I miss having breakfast with you everyday. But I really can't wait to see you and spend time with you.... :DD Few more days babeh!! teheee ...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
4 more days and i am finally 19
I really have no mood to celebrate my birthday at all. This pretty much sucks big time. :(:( arhh... :'(
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Singapore Trip
To be frank, I've been living next to Singapore too long that I have never stayed there before, well, so the past few days were my first ever time residing in the Lion City. :D I stayed in Royal Plaza at Scotts Road with David and his mum. :D
this is the hotel.

Well, it was a 3 Day 2 Night trip. For the first day, my family drove me in, so basically I had the day out with them and David of course. My family's main objective to go in was just dropping me in, and take Rachel around Orchard Road to photograph the Christmas lights. We had heaps of time to kill, so we dropped by Bugis just to get some cheap deals. TBH, I despise walking on the streets of Bugis, I hate the crowd, I hate the bustle, I hate basically everything there. Except for SOME of the clothes. I managed to get 2 pieces of dress, a tie dye maxi and a striped short dress. After the long walk, we headed back to the hotel for a little meet and greet session with Aunty Christina. She is such a darling to invite us over to the lounge to have high tea. The food there were French Pastries, little chicken terriyaki pieces...etc... The food taste awesome. :) After enjoying awesome tea, we went walking around Orchard. :D So basically here are some pics from the trip. (pics of dav and I)
The second day was a chillax day for both of us. We had bfast then chilled in the room for awhile and off we go walking around SG. I bought a pair of MNG pants. AWESOME buy. :D after that, we had MOS burger for dinner! :D tehhee... I am so in love with the Yakitori Rice Burger. I so miss it now!! Pics of us having MOS burger.

After that back to the hotel, we were in the internet lounge camwhoring. hehe... ;D the Apple iMAC is pretty much an arse computer. Probably I am just not used to it. :P (sorry for cursing Apple, you are a good company) We camwhored near the pool lounge too. :D

The third day Dav bought a pair of Nike low dunks. In black and teal, which I think Dav looked amazing in it. The shoe itself rocks big time. :D
Anyways, that about it. I loved those three days spent with him. and I miss him so much now. :( I want to be back in his arms again! sobs...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Crazy and exciting week! :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Life has never been better!

Saturday, June 12, 2010
No more Fun time to study!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010
When was it since I stepped in??
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Once its broken it will always be broken
I guess I was always wrong about that. Just like a broken mirror, once it is broken its impossible to patch it up together. Even though we did pick up the broken pieces and patch it up together again, there will always be a scar. A scar that is impossible to heal.
The photos we had, the letters we wrote, the times we had just flew away with the breeze. The hurt in me was somewhat torturous, agonizing, excruciating. The pain is so intense that I couldn't even shed a single tear.
People said, cry out your river, build your bridge and walk over it. Leave it all behind.
I wanna do that but its so hard, its so difficult for me to do that. I close my eyes, I see you behind my eyelids. I see us, us that doesn't exist anymore. The pain is too tormenting.
I'll let my dreams drive me forward, and let it keep you in a place where you should always be. In my memory.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Why is Paramore being discovered only NOW?!

The moment I had my ears on the lovely guitar playing by Josh Farro, and amazing vocals by Hayley Williams, I was in love with the band Paramore. That was raftly about 4 years ago? I was addicted to their music. And thanks to Vic that I was able to own Riot. I had them playing 24/7.
The thing I find funny that everyone only discovered them like right now... when their Brand New Eyes album is out. I got no idea, why..sigh.. But it is so good for Paramore that even people that loves... Taiwanese stars even love Paramore...So it shows how great Paramore is!!
Paramore is rocking Sg this coming Sunday. I cant go..what a shame..but its okay... there are better chances... I would love to go to their best show..which i think they would play mostly in US.
Paramore Rocks. So love them.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
You have been acting weird these days, getting busy with your life, and we're so far apart and I try so hard to catch up with you, I miss you so much. But you on the other hand is busy with your classes. I am not blaming you of course. My life is going to be so busy next week. I have long hours of courses, I guess I won't be talking to you that often anymore? I dont know. I know that you are feeling down with your Uni stuff, hoping to get into the Uni you want. I understand how you feel, you have all the rights in the world to feel down if you didnt get the acceptance from the Uni. I totally get it. You chose to go to KLIUC. I guess if thats your choice then I hope you are happy with it. Don't even think that I am happy that you are coming over to KL and we can meet each other much often. No, I am happy when you're happy. Even though you are in KLIUC, but I am in Selangor and you are in KL. We still have quite a distance from each other. All I can say is I love you very much. As always. All I pray for is for you to be happy thats all.
I love you Vic, so so much.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Stilettos and women
So yesterday was the day my boldness was somewhat found and I decided I shall wear my peep toe pumps and go shopping with my godparents. I pair the peeps toes with a navy blue gap casual long tee and my leather leggings. My peep toes looked good in this outfit. And I thought I looked amazing. And so walking under the scorching heat with this outfit seem ridiculous to many, but as women, or rather ladies, we just don't bother as long as we looked good.
I arrived the mall, I stood out the car, walking straight up with full confidence, but at times a little self-consious. So I did what I always wanted to do in a very long time is to parade the mall in this pair of peep toes. I, like many other ladies were admired by little girls. Little girls who always wanted to be like us when they reached the age of vanity.
However, pain visited me in just two hours time. My ankles was getting tired, and I had cramps on my legs. And I had to put a smile on my face as I wouldnt want to show my aunts and godparents that I was walking in pain. I had to hold on to shelves in shops to rest my legs for a few seconds. It was such a tormenting trip. Yet I refuse to show pain, I refuse to give in to the pain, my ego is never going to be stepped down by this pair of peep toes. I walked, paraded the mall with a great amount of excruciating pain.
I managed to pull through and off we headed into the car. I took off my heels as soon as I stepped in the car. I then had a sudden relief, as if something heavy was off my chest. Relieved was the only vocabulary I could ever think off after that.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sungei Wang
The weather is really unbearable, hot yet humid. Not every Caucasians favourite weather. My housemate and I had to squeeze like a sardines in the small car. 4 of us in the backseat.
Sungei Wang is packed with people, for obvious reasons. It was my first time actually to have a stroll in sungei wang. The place is filled with shops that its not really my liking, the mall is rather rundown compared to other malls, its like the holiday plaza in Johor. However its a place filled with cheap stuff... Of course dont expect anything unique, as most of the stuff is imported from China, and obviously its comes in a big bundle. So things there are quite typical in my opinion. I didnt quite enjoy strolling in this mall. The only thing I was satisfied is that the magazines there are cheap, Nylon was only 9.90, American issue. And the Gap tee was 19, and of course lovely and satisfying lunch. I had Teppanyaki, heaps of vege and cuttlefish. I was so stuffed with all of the food. Cuttlefish panfriend teppanyaki style, seasoned with salt and pepper. Sprinkled with fried garlic. LOVE! Wish I could have it now AGAIN! (starving, I am...) Enough of the food talk, thats all about Sungei Wang. I have to make a move to satisfy my growling stomach with a cup of mushroom soup. Peace out.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Jesus is Awesome!!
Finally I have started my Uni life... My darling parents are such wonderful darlings...they have been running errands for me and allow me to settle down.. I really am grateful for them.. I'll miss them so much..sobs.... God has been watching over me...my present apartment is so much better than the one i am suppose to live in... I really am grateful towards God, I love him so much!!
Father God, I pray that whilst I am here.. I pray that you will guide me, sent the Holy Spirit to watch over me, and not let me astray. I pray that I will be in favour with God and men, I'll be the head and not the tail, be a winner and not a loser, and be a conquerer in Christ Jesus. I love you Father Lord. Amen.
I miss you Vic, and I promise. I'll keep loving you till one day, if God has his plans.... I love you Vic. So much!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
having fun to the fullest!
I am at my weakest and most exhausting moment right now and yet my will to blog didn’t fail me. I had to blog as the memories and emotions are still strong enough to bring out life to my post.
I attended a CNY party in Kong Hao’s yesterday. The house is filled with people. The ambience of new year filled the air. I was in the mood of celebration, drinking and most of all FUN! I was able to meet up with Peisi and Peiqi. I was jumping from one person to another, catching up with my friends. Purely having so much fun. I had a can of Heineken and few glasses of red wine. I had a Merlot. It was quite okay, though Merlot did nauseate me for a moment due to my bad experience in drinking. We were camwhoring, acting like the craziest bunch ever.

This is me writing the lantern. The whole lantern thing works this way. Its a Chinese tradition for us to write our wishes on the lantern, light it and let it fly. It is suppose to make your wish come true. It works like the hot air balloon theory. In Chinese is called Kong Ming Deng. Hmmm.. I am not too sure its going to fulfil my wish but it sure did amuse me. :D
There goes the lantern… Floating in the air. Hope it makes its way to heaven to grant my wish.:)
I went to Peisi’s around 2 am… Chatted with Peggy and Peisi till 5 am in the morning. I do love doing this. Though I am experiencing the after effects of it now. sobs…sobs..
We went in Singapore later in the afternoon, settled some administration errands in SIM. and off we head to Marina Square.
I took this photo before heading to SG. ROAR!!
Okay, I have to say Kong Hao did spend quite a fortune(not really a fortune) on this bear thingy…. We spent and hour plus in that arcade and went home…EMPTY HANDED!! i have to admit I love the bear..its cute…but no..its not me… It’ll end up like every soft toy in my place..making friends with a civilization called DUST! Not every toy is like Fury(my white seal) that lucky..hahaha…
Anyways, I had such an awesome time with them. My system is going down very soon in just a few minutes… I am so so exhausted…. I love you Peisi, Peggy, Kong Hao… thanks for today… I had an awesome time with you guys..we must do this again sometime…
Goodnight world.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Uni life?

Well, starting in Taylors would be different. I am somewhat excited and nervous at the same time. A new chapter of my life will start very soon in just a few days. I hope I wont wound up clubbing and stuff. Cuz thats not what i wanna go for.
I have only one thing to focus on is to migrate to Aus. So, I have to work hard and see how things go. I dont want this dream of mine to perish just like my furthering my studies in Aussie dream. God will lead me..
Its 1 am. I think I have to turn in. Movie day tomorrow followed after Kong Hao's cny party. Hope I wont get drunk tomorrow. I ll have limited alcohol consumption. ( I hope) Cuz he has a box of merlot and heineken. maybe a cup of merlot and a bottle of heineken will do. Thanks to my uncle that I have a little knowledge or two in wine. :D
Peace out.
Monday, February 15, 2010
CNY 2010

The sound of the crackers filled my neighbourhood in the strike of twelve. Some people might think its a nuisance, some people love the feeling of it. For me, its just a little disturbing because I was half asleep. sorry for not embracing cny's ambience.

This is me setting up the dinner table in my grands' place. I had the best dinner for the past two days. Love.
I head to CS with the family to watch Percy Jackson and the lightning theif. I would rate that movie 4 out of 5. its kinda good. but its so harry potter-ish... No doubt is directed by chris columbus.
School starts next week. Freaky.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine’s Day
Chinese New Year and Valentines day falls on the same day I guess… It is much unique this year… Last year I was able to celebrate with a someone special, but this year seems to be much different. I had no valentine. But I guess somehow its valentines day we must let the person we love know that we love them, so I decided to put it here. Maybe he’ll see it, maybe he wont. At least, I did show my love for him.
God has his own plans, I always tell myself that. He has his time for me to have something, to experience something. I got in ELS, and coincidently you were my partner. Both of us were leaders to lead the society to take part in something we never took part before. There I admired your leadership, your capability, and to find that you were kind hearted, you had qualities that I’ve never seen anyone had. I was amazed, yet I told myself I couldn’t fall for you, because I see myself as someone incapable, I find myself just like any other typical girl. Yet, God gave us the opportunity to get to know each other, and you were the one who admired my capability, you said I was pretty even though I looked like a mess, you encouraged me and made me laugh when I was down. You were someone that I needed to see every day, you were someone who played such an important role in my life.
My stupidity and curiosity broke our bond. It left us alone crying, shedding tears of pain. Fill us with hopelessness and despair. We never did saw this coming, we never thought that just someone insignificant could just tear us apart. You would always advice me, never let anyone’s words affect both of us, yet, as ignorant as I am, as naive as I was. I heed your words and brought us here. We needed each other, but we couldn’t embrace each other anymore. Because you were filled with fear, fear of getting yourself hurt again, and I was filled with regret. However, today appears to be Valentine’s day, I am still having the card you gave me, I read through it again. And today I will tell you that I love you. I love you so much, and I would never put you in such a situation again. I will always love you till God has something else or someone else for me, only then I will move on from here, I’ll keep our memory in a special place, a place no one can occupy, only you.
Vic, I love you.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Back to basics
Went to Singapore yesterday with Peisi. I have to be honest its my first time going with my friend, and I had no idea whatsoever to travel around Singapore. I have to be honest I dont fancy Singapore that much apart from the abundance of fashionable clothes. However the rest, I’ll just keep it to myself. Thank you Peisi for bringing me around, and to take the trouble to take me to places I’ve never been, I had a great time with you. Love you so much!!
I still miss Australia a lot, miss everything about it. But its time for me to go back to reality and go to KL and start my Uni life. Australia can wait for three years, I will be back as I said before.
Had a short time chatting with Kong hao and Peisi. I really enjoy their company and their funny jokes. I really love spending time with them. I will so miss them so much if I were to go to Uni. Love you guys heaps.
Vic is on his way to Jerantut, and I am staying back for CNY here. No other plans. My feelings for Vic is somewhat complicated. I dont know what am I to do if I have to stop seeing him for a few months, I dont know. Life has to go on. I made a promise to him, that if I would see him again in the future, and there is a possibility that both of us were to see each other often, and if both of us were to be single. I would give both of us a chance again. Vic, lets leave us to God to decide. If you are mine, you’ll be mine eventually.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Happy to be home♥
I love you mum and dad. You both are the best ever.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Back to the same routine....
Went to check Taylors out today, and I got my application accepted. So I guess there's where I am going to start my new life. It fears me, new environment, new people... I am scared..But at the same time I am excited to be able to start a new life.
I am having a slight jetlag... Off to sleep I's going to....*yawns*
Missing Uncle Chu and Aunt Theresa...=( sobs...
Friday, February 5, 2010
put a smile on your face though it hurts
But I'll be back, don't try and follow me
'Cause I'll return as soon as possible
See I'm trying to find my place
But it might not be here where I feel safe
We all learn to make mistakes
And run
From them, from them
With no direction
We'll run from them, from them
With no conviction
'Cause I'm just one of those ghosts
Traveling endlessly
Don't need no roads
In fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
Well Now I'm told that this is life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Would someone care to classify,
Of broken hearts and twisted minds
So I can find someone to rely on
Misguided ghosts
Traveling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
And there's no one road
We should not be the same
But I'm just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I guess this Aussie trip was really a great one, my godmother bought me a pair of 5 inch nine west. and my godfather bought me a netbook. I guess all these years I havent been in contact with my godparents, and I think they enjoyed my company around them. This trip didn't only filled me materialistically but spiritually. I learned so much, I really got myself exposed.
I had to thank Vic for all of these. The root of this trip was because Vic was on his way to Jakarta, and I thought I couldn't handle it, so I thought that I would also go on a trip to Australia to expose myself. It was a decision out of impulse. And I managed to expose myself. Learned a lot.
PS: Yesterday was a great day in St. Kilda beach, I was soaking myself under the sun, being one of those tanning wannabes, but I guess it didnt turn out that well, cuz I wasnt all that tan after the sun bathing. Thanks to Nu Skin's SPF lotion. BTW, there's this italian guy named Natt came over and said to hi to us. I was feeling unusual as I knew that there was someone who has been noticing me from afar. I felt weird. So then he said Hi, introed himself, and asked me and shan to come over to his party, in fitzroy. How random is that. He had dread locks and a lip piercing, I suppose I would rate his looks as above average. If I were daring enough, I would go to his party. But somehow I know that I am not such a person. Anyways, a moment to remember. We were smart actually, he wanted our number, but we asked for his. So great stuff, no harrasments to handle. LOL.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Changed me?
Before coming to Australia, I thought it would be tormenting to be faraway from home. Homesick is like inevitable. The first week was what I've expected, tormenting. Agonizing. It was slightly unbearable cuz I wasnt use to it at all.
The second week turned better, it was a better week for me, exciting was the word. The first venue I visited was Philip Island. The waves and the colour of the sea water, was really amazingly beautiful. The wind was chilly, it was a 20 degrees day. The city life was even better, buying a tram ticket from the chemist and board the tram was my usual routine. Then I got off to Colin Street, where branded goods like hermes, chanel, louis vuitton, etc was located just right there. There I started walking along until I reached Swanston Street, where Myers, David Jones was all located there. A shopping heaven. A couple of baskers filled the streets, many beautiful people roam the streets in their latest fahionable wears, from the most expensive Salvotore Ferragamo shoes to the cheapest Rubi shoes.
Meeting new people, people who mostly lived half a century, there we sat having fine dinner every night, with the accompliment of red and white wine. Listening to advises from them, from money to love, to marriage. Almost every day I was travelling on various luxurious car, BMW 7 series, Mercedes S class, to the adorable mini.. etc. Visiting houses that cost almost 1 and half mil. then I thought to myself, yes, this is the life I wanna live.
I wanna live a comfortable life, a life where there are no debts, this is no dream because many people out there are living such a life. The key is not difficult. It is just to be knowledgeable in the area of your job, and while buliding your own riches, never hold back for anyone. Most ladies here that I've met built their own riches, they arent reliant to their spouse. This is what I want to be.
Melbourne, a city where you can find beautiful parks filled with the abundance of greenery just right in the middle of the bustling city. Living in Melbourne is just like how the city is located itself, everything out there is moving fast, but deep down in your heart there is peace and serenity, it is somewhat irony.
Yes, Melbourne, I am coming back here once again. I'll live here very soon. Just a few more years and I am able to enjoy your beauty. Embrace it.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
whatever it takes
A strangled smile fell from your face
It kills me that I hurt you this way
The worst part is that I didn't even know
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
But if you can find a reason to stay
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
And give me a break
I'll keep us together, I know you deserve much better
But remember the time I told you the way that I felt
That I'd be lost without you and never find myself
Let's hold onto each other above everything else
Start over, start over
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
and believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Life in Melbourne

I have a month to go... I really wanna enjoy my time here..
Vic, I miss you a lot here. Whatever you said yesterday hurt me insanely. I hate it... I love you very much, and its like I feel something missing in my life without you. You are the only thing I know like the back of my hand... I really cant take it if I am not talkin to you, not with you. How can I take it when I am away from you?? .... I miss you a lot..=(
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Why is this happening?
I could feel the pain in my heart, as if a knife stabbed through it a thousand times.
I knew I loved him from the very bottom of my heart, I gave everything I had for him. But, all I get is hurt after hurt. People are loving out there. People are doing good with their the other half. And I am not. I see people walking in the streets, hands twined together... I looked at them with admirance. Hoping that I would have that chance to roam the streets together once again with out hands twined together. Who knew, it was just merely a dream. How naive and stupid I am.
Maybe after this, I will never trust anyone that easily anymore... I guess focusing on my future is what I ll do, after all, I m not going SG anymore.. Taylors will be the school for me..so.. I ll stay there..have my life there. Live once again differently, changed. Better. Without you in my life anymore.
I still love you, but i have to protect myself and stop doing that.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
having fun but miss home
We went to the park near the apartment for a stroll.. It was filled with abundant of trees, flowers. etc...Its really lovely. It also has a small miniature waterfall. It is so cold and chilly everywhere. What a summer it is!!! Its suppose to be 30 degrees, but in fact it is 13 degrees!! How shocking!
We had vietnamese for dinner. Nice meal, and it is my first time having a vietnamese meal. Great experience.
I do miss home a lot, miss my family. It is agonizing being away from home. But i have to learn how to expose myself at such an age. Mummy, daddy and Ray.. I miss all of you badly. =(
Vic, I miss you a lot too... =(