Today is really awesome!!! Exams are over, and I could rest this brain of mine for the time being before spm starts.
I had an awesome time with Victor today. We went to tebrau ctiy. We sat a public bus there, it was a really nice ride, love every moment. Our actual plan is just go have baskin robins then head home. But we reached there around 11 am? And its early for movie, really early, so we went to the movie theatre and bought a 11:30 am movie, we watched hsm3 of course. haha... The movie was nice I think... I love Gabriela's dress in that movie, every dress she wore really looks good on her. And then we went to the bookshop, then we went to Lavender to have lunch. Its really cool that we talked out loads of stuff in front of each other, be honest in front of each other. Overall, it was an awesome date I think.
It was quite short but.. I lurve every moment..
Vic, thankzx a lot for today. I really had an awesome time with you.
It was such a nice date. Just talking and talking... I lurve it a lot! Lurve you darling! Mwah~
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