Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am happy for you

I got really great news today. I am so happy for Alexandra.
She is single no more, and she actually have a German boyfriend. I am so so happy for her, with her talent and everything, she should find someone with superb talent (which I assume that he has). Everyone seems to be appalled by this news of hers. Poor Alexandra, she's been mocked by others( not in a nasty way). Probably part of our friends just can't accept the fact that she has found some awesome dude?

I've been learning French today through the net. I feel totally idiotic just repeating the phrases by myself. And, I do think that French is quite a difficult language to take up. But I am not giving up. In the midst of learning, I just can't stop thinking about others, those from my school... They must be working so hard, studying for the finals...while I am just vegetating in front of the computer learning something that has got nothing to do with my finals. But, has everything to do with my future. I really have to go to Paris.

And, about the previous post which really potrayed the nasty side of me... I am over it... Life is so much happier without her in my thoughts. Just the sight of her face will send my blood boiling. But, true enough, my life is so great that someone like her would not have a chance to fit in my superb life. I'll just let her be. The saddest part is just to lose a bestfriend. But, I guess its okay. i have no choice whatsoever.And I promised myself that my life would be so much better without her. ( Eventhough I have to face her every single day) Just a few more months than its over.

Fund- raising has been tough for me. No actions have been done yet. It just stresses me so much. However, I am not gonna face this with a negative attitude. I am just believing that things would turn out better. Praying as hard as I can that miracles wil happen. I do believe in miracles. God bless me. I can do fine without a vice-chairman. My friends will support me all the way. =)
I can do it.

1 comment:

vansha said...

hey nic!!!

i actually made myself a blog at blogspot just for an easier comment reply. LOL?

but nothing have been modified yet, so stay away from there - ok?

now back to the main topic.. we were talking about those bitches right? i'm glad you find your way out, but make sure you didnt keep bad emotions inside you kay? shout it out loud.
